My (24/f) boyfriend (25/m) is refusing to talk to me because I masturbated before hanging out

Let's say you both agreed to go and eat at a fancy restaurant somewhere later this evening. You're getting all dolled up and excited, maybe even eat a little less during the day to leave more room.

All of a sudden your boyfriend casualy mentions to you he's gone to McDonalds. Knowing fully well you're going out in a couple hours.

You'll feel a bit hurt. Because he didn't wait on you and sated his appetite with "inferior" stuff.

That's sort of how he feels. For lack of a better example.

But yeah, biologicaly our genders are different and individualy we all have different ways of reacting. I can understand his reaction, but find that he overreacted. I mean c'mon full on ignoring for hours? I'd use the opportunity to coerce my partner into treating me "extra special" because of her masturbating :P

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