My [24 M] wife [24 F] is jealous and emotionally abusive and I don't know what to do

Yeah, she's a crazy horrible person and you should leave her. But I also think the context and so, conversation, is a little one-sided. There's always two sides... Maybe the OP has repeatedly strangled his wife, slapped her, and told her how he hopes she dies and hopes she goes and kills herself right now. Hell, maybe that happened for the first time on their honeymoon when she found pictures of his hot German female work out buddy in his phone and got jealous and asked him about it. Maybe he's said things like that enough times that the emotional damage is insurmountable... leaving out how afterwards he apologizes and explains how her jealousy turned him into a horrible monster that does and says things like that. Maybe OP uses reddit so much and ignores his wife because of it, that it hurts all the more that it's what he used for porn and what he turned to when he realized they aren't going to make it anymore... Feeding on the righteous anger of fellow internet trolls and letting her, and only her, actions hang in the court of public opinion. I just think there can be other aspects to a story like this and an OP will inevitably tend to make it seem like they are not at all to blame, maybe conceding their own lesser evils in order to appear genuine, but ultimately too ashamed to admit the whole truth. Like, I don't know, maybe she "cheated" before they were even engaged because their relationship was so on again off again, they had literally just broken up the night before then tentatively gotten back together... while long-distance for an entire year. Then again, maybe she's also a horrible drunk who has run naked through the streets after hours of drunkenly abusing, emotionally and physically, her husband because she is just that fucking crazy... Yes, hang her. But life is messy and sometimes both are to blame and some things are not reducible to a set of neat guidelines, least of all those found in some asshole's self-help "follow these rules and you will not fail at life and marriage" book that he probably wrote himself or has some vested interest in selling. And the answer is, of course, the common sense thing everyone is saying... but you're all ignorant assholes for thinking you have the wisdom or knowledge to comment so flippantly yet decisively on the particulars of the lives of another two human beings. I bet there's a bunch of motherfuckers with some logs in their own eyes on here... And sure, maybe they're trying to get another log (instead of a splinter) out of someone else's.. doesn't change the fucking fir tree growing out of their own. Of course, this is all speculation. And I wouldn't dare presume to know the particulars of these two people well enough to be able to comment the way everyone else has. I can only know my own situation and use my own rationality and prudence to navigate the fucked up waters of my own fucking life. TL;DR You should leave her. But the internet is a shallow shitty place to get real life advice. And, in the words of Arcade Fire, "you already know."

/r/relationships Thread