My [24f] partner [24m] isn't helping me out around the house, or with my pregnancy because he's the one who works while I stay at home with the 2 year old.

Yes and I've said that my God you're not listening.

I'm not asking for a top to bottom clean if the house. The house is messy thanks to having a family to run. But just pack some toys away while I'm cooking him dinner? Dinner he can't cook himself. Dinner that makes me throw up cooking.

It's not right when he walks through the door aswell, I've said that too.

Once I've done him dinner, maybe he should wash his own plate up instead of leaving it for me to do. He'd never washed up till he moved in with me and even now I can't count the amount of times on one hand.

I think you're being unfair in saying if things aren't done in military fashion I resent him.

I just want to relax as much as him, if the toys aren't picked up before bed the dog will chew them.

The dogs going before you throw that at me, she's my exes and will be going to Canada with him.

If I'm putting HIS uniform out to dry, and he's making himself a coffee, is it really too much to ask he just makes me one too?

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