My [27F] boyfriend [27M] kissed someone else at his work Christmas party. I'm not sure what to do about our relationship now and could use some advice.

When I was with my ex several years ago, me and my roommate at the time went to the bar to shoot some pool and have a couple of beers.

We ended up meeting this girl there, and I thought for sure she was interested in my friend who usually gets all the attention from the ladies. She wanted to keep hanging out after the bar, so she came back with us. Again, I thought for sure she was into my friend. Anyway, we hang out for a bit, and she decides she wants to sleep over. Maybe I was naive, but we hooked her up with a pillow and blanket so she could crash on the couch, and I went up to my room.

I'm chilling on my computer, when I hear a knock on my door. It's her. She comes in, and I can tell where this was going. We were both at least tipsy, she might have been drunker than I was.

I loved my ex (I think I still might,) but it took some control to turn down this girls' advances. She was pretty, too, and no doubt I would have gone for it if I was single.

I made sure I didn't do anything stupid, because I can't stand the idea of cheating, and would hate myself if I succumbed to such a thing. She chilled at my desk for a while, even came and sat down on my bed. She wanted so bad for me to kiss her, I could tell. It kinda made me feel bad. She also knew I had a girlfriend, so maybe not that bad.

Anyway, she ended up leaving after that. Borrowed my copy of "the art of deception," by Kevin Mitnick. Wonder if she still has that.

First thing I did the next day was ask my girlfriend to come over, and then I told her everything that happened and made sure she knew nothing had happened but I still felt guilty. She didn't get upset.

I don't know why I'm telling you this story. I have no idea how drunk your boyfriend was. But in my opinion, the fact that he tried calling you at 4 am to tell you he fucked up is a good sign to me. I am torn, however, as I also think there has to be at least some underlying desire to do something for alcohol to turn it up to a level 11.

At the end of the day OP, 壹个

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