My (27F) husband (30M) is a peadophile.

Pedophiles are very good at hiding good behavior. It's key to their survival. I used to work as parole officer supervising people like him. I also investigated people producing, possessing, and distributing child pronography. I think finding an attorney to help you is good advice. A personal protection order or no contact order from the court in your jurisdiction should be manageable. If you mentioned what sate you lived in I missed it, but there's a chance he'll come out on some sort of probation or supervised release. That also gives you a little bit more to work with. Contact the probation office and make your concerns known and it's possible they can include conditions of probation that prohibit him from having contact with you or your daughter. People who are sexually attracted to children do not change and the best one can hope for is to control the behavior. That's not your job. That's his job. That's his probation officer's job. Your job is to protect your child and it sounds like that's what you're doing.

/r/confession Thread