My (27m) girlfriend (26f) of 3 years called the cops on my brother for driving drunk. My family is furious.

Yeah man, for real. I don't think a lot of the top posters would do well as diplomats. And people like the top posters (maybe? talk is cheap) and the gf here will die on the moral sword, but let's not act like this doesn't have social repercussions, humans being social creatures and what not. OP's parents probably trusted the gf not to do something like this, despite how fucked that will sound to the people here.

Of course it's not OK to drive drunk and endanger people. No, this isn't going to "help" the family or the brother. DUIs are super expensive and he's losing his job, for one. Yeah, it was his choice. Also her choice to call the cops. Also sounds, from the OP, like she did this is in a literal fit of self-righteousness and had to know this was going to become a true shitshow.

But considering what can and does happen with drunk drivers, what she did was the right thing. Sloppily handled though; poor show. You should have taken the keys again, OP. She should have put them somewhere where he couldn't just pick them back up, too, while we're nitpicking. Plus the brother was wrong, but he got his.

And of course the family is upset. Most families would be. A lot of people, myself included, do not like the police and just the act of calling them on your family (or near family) would make a lot of people mad (unless it's an abuse situation). Maybe they'd be wrong but I'm trying to address human nature here, not an objective code of ethics divorced from reality.

IDK, this is just a mess. What gets me the most, although it shouldn't, is that Gracie righteously burned the house down without even consulting OP. That's iffy to me. Reckless in it's own way. Downvotes to the left, but that's my feeling on the matter. I do think she should try a bit to smooth this over. It's going to turn into a choose Gracie vs. the family thing for OP, and that sucks. Your girlfriend of three years does not replace your family.

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