My 29 F fiance 29 M has ghosted me since he found out about my past (long, sorry)

Hahaha I love how you completely glossed over the whole PROSTITUTION part. You can’t even bring yourself to mention it because you know how crazy that sounds.

Look, you saying that she should hide her serious drug addiction that was SO BAD that it lead to stripping and prostitution from her fiancé says more about the type of person you are than anything else.

Maybe that’s ok in the trailer park you hail from but most decent folk wouldn’t even dream of thinking it’s ok to just keep that to yourself.

To address the ridiculous response you gave me, you’re saying that it’s not murder or abuse so it’s ok. So that’s where you draw the line. Murder no, prostitution ok. You do realize most people have a different line, right? Where prostitution and drugs are on the opposite of the spectrum of what is acceptable? I would absolutely hate to live in your trash world where that stuff is ok.

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