My [31 F] crush's [22 M] female friends are throwing shade, and I can't figure it out.

I read through some of your post history. I'm sorry to find out about all the hardships you've been dealing with. I am usually very direct in my advice as i feel people need to hear the truth w/o sugarcoating it, however this time I may have been a little harsh. You know, chances are these people are just being rude to you because they think they're more attractive or better than you in some way. I think the best thing you can do in this situation is to focus on yourself, improving and making you happy. If you place a lot of your own self-worth in how other people view you or feel about you, it will lead to disappointment, frustration, and sadness. I used to be very overweight, and insecure, and lonely. I had a crush on a girl that spanned the better part of almost 2 decades, and all it did was hold me back and be a constant source of negativity to feed into my already shitty self-image and depression. The best thing I did in my life was to cut her out and to (against all my urges) put myself first in every situation. I tried to look at a situation and if it was bad for me to cut it out of my life. I made new friends, went on a diet, started a band and it all led to me losing weight, being more confident, and meeting my now wife. I was 28 at the time and had almost given up hope that my life would be any different. It's a slow process that you have to take day by day but when you start to notice results it's really awesome and other people definitely notice too. Try not to focus too much on all this bs and instead turn the microscope lens on yourself. All your doing by having situations like this is continuing the cycle of pain and self hate.

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