My (31F) husband (36M) of 2 years refused to pool finances when he was the high-earner. Now I'm the high-earner and he's insisting on "financial unity." Help?

If you don't already have a joint account, I'd recommend opening one up (SEPARATE from your regular accounts!). Use this account to pay bills and maybe have each of you contribute 50% of the monthly bills costs. The rest of your money can be spent as you see fit and leftovers from unused grocery money can be spent on date nights or something.

My wife and I worked out this solution when we first got married about 3 years back and it's done a lot to keep us from getting mad over money with the percentages fluctuating with our incomes (still never separating more than 45/55%. When I spend money on a computer part she's ok with it as long as I keep up with my monthly deposits into the joint/bills account; likewise when she wants to spend money dying her hair or buying a novel item I'm cool with it because she keeps up with the monthly deposits.

We keep our money separate and quite often have drastically different amounts of money in our checking and savings accounts compared to each other, but that's our personal money to do with as we please. We also each have our own credit card that we are responsible for separately.

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