My [31M] boss [35M] just made me aware I’m not well liked at work - specifically stating because of my personality, not work reasons. How do I move past this?

This is a big one, there's a person at my job who does this and it's incredibly obvious he's 1) not as incredibly brilliant as they clearly think they are and 2) treating everyone else like they're morons but trying to be slick about it and failing. And on a personal note, their jokes or "teasing" comments about others often don't land with me and just seem mean, offensive, or inappropriate (and I already have a somewhat dry/sarcastic sense of humor so I can't imagine how some come off to other people!). Surprise, surprise, hardly anyone really likes them and there are plenty of people who actively do not want to be scheduled with them.

I'm not saying OP is as bad as this person (bc they really are terrible), but that kind of behavior is not as invisible as people tend to think it is and when people get the vibe you're looking down your nose at them for whatever reason or acting a certain way just for them, it doesn't exactly endear you to anyone.

OP ought to take a hard look at how exactly how they're looking at their own coworkers and take stock of whether private opinions are bleeding through to tone and behavior, and address it in therapy. It may help a lot in preventing OP from having the same issues elsewhere.

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