My (34F) Husband (35M) has not stepped up after my cancer diagnosis. I’m losing hope that he can give our daughter (3F) a decent life if I die. I’ve fallen out of love. What to do?

My first sugestion would be (maybe your only hope for curing that cancer) is to look into natural ways of healing. Please! You have no idea how powerful your body, mind and it's healing capabilities are. If you want some more informations send me a pm and I'll try to help. PS: chemo helps with post-poning the disease but is not curing it! It does much more bad things than good!

Regarding your husband. I don't know how powerful his depression is and neither do I know him by person. BUT! Look at the situation from another perspective: he has the same job, wakes up at 11 and has no depression, meanwhile you have depression and do all the things you do. Do you think he would care? I'm sorry to tell you this and maybe I will get hate for this but everyone is saying "go to therapy". Here in europe are way less therapists. Why we can solve the problems and the people from states can't? The answer is simple. If you feel bad in this relationship, just end it. He won't change if you don't show him that you don't need him if he is acting that way. People in this times are lazy! You must motivate him!

It's 100% not fair that with such a disease you are the main income!!! In my country if you have a disease/ condition like that you are not even allowed to work!!! Obviously you cna't heal if you are working because you are in a stressful environment!!!

I hope I won't get downvoted for my opinion and I hope I helped you with a diferent point of view. Good luck

/r/relationships Thread