My[35M] wife[27F] informed me she has fallen for someone at work. I am confused by what she is asking of me.

You need to get a divorce. I know you care about her and I know it's hard but the only reason she's thinking about figuring things out with you is because this guy is moving out of state. If you continue to be with her you will be insecure and jealous. It will turn you into someone you don't want to be. Since you aren't working if you guys didn't get a prenup you could probably get money out of her too. Idk she seems like a cunt to be honest. She purposely said a bunch of shit to make you feel shitty about yourself. I know there's always two sides to every story but if you are giving the absolute truth and not leaving out any possible instances of you cheating and having affairs I say just leave. You are worth a lot more than the way you are being treated and you have to love yourself and respect yourself a whole lot more. What kind of woman would want to be with a man who just rolls over like that when discovering this information? Not be a bitch but did she castrate you also? Quit being a goddamn pussy, find your guy friends stat and go out with them and enjoy life in the process of getting the divorce. I have a feeling in this relationship you've somewhat lost your identity you have to go back and find yourself again. Once you feel comfortable and happy alone and have had time to grieve the relationship then you will be in a good state to try and seriously date again. I garuntee this broad is not meant for you and you will find somebody much better and loyal that brings happiness instead of misery into your life. I wish you the best of luck and I hope you make the right decision. You only get one chance at life why spend it with a cheating dumpster cunt?

/r/relationships Thread