MulligantawnySoup criticises a 4chan user's use of a certain word. KiA responds.

I'm going to respond to you in the off chance that you are serious and not trolling

Deus Ex is being made by a whole bunch more than just "a black developer."

It was a black developer who coined the term involving apartheid, which is what everyone's bitching about. Fail #1.

The fact that it was designed by a woman is literally, literally meaningless

Tell me more about how women shouldn't be allowed to express themselves. How very feminist of you. Fail #2.

Rarely does.

*Never does. Fail #3.

Ah yes, grow a thicker skin.

That's extremely rich coming from a guy who just got done saying this:

Using a term like apartheid to refer to a game needs to be done with sensitivity

You can't have your cake and eat it too. Fail #4.

No minorities should be marginalized

Great! Then you'll lay off deus ex now right? Since it was a black developer who came up with the mechanical apartheid term. And you'll stop accusing every single #notyourshield hashtag user of being a sockpuppet, effectively silencing them. Right? And you'll stop telling women what kind of clothes they are allowed to design right? Oh wait, guess not. Way to practice what you preach there. Fail #5.

How about that college staff who are found to not be serving the needs of their students should not be immune to criticism?

Screaming obscenities at someone =/= criticism. Fail #6.

Yay! You've found wrong-doing

Holy shit you actually admitted to one. Your first non fail! 1/7. Sounds about right for someone of your ... tendencies.

Sarah Butts/Zoe Quinn/Dan Olson/Anita Sarkeesian?

Contrary to your assumptions, I don't follow GG religiously. I barely recognize any of these names. Anita of course I know, but afaik she isn't being accused of anything illegal?

So sure, those people are innocent as far as I'm concerned. So is Bill Cosby. So is James Deen. So is the Duke Lacrosse team.

Anyone trying to circumvent the law and assign guilt & punitive measures without first providing the burden of proof is an asshole.

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