My (36f) husband (35m) is blatantly disinterested in our kids (13f, 10f, 5f) unless they want to do something he's interested in, like video games, watching nerdy movies, etc.

This is very different from the other answers here, but I’m wondering if it’s generational. I grew up in a loving family, and I’m still really close to my parents. But as a kid (probably also around 10 or so), my parents were not super focused on me. I did my own things that interested me, and if I wanted to hang out with my parents I’d do what they were doing. Thrift store/ antiquing with my mom or fishing/ gaming (grand turismo or golden eye, I emphasize because they were his favorites but I loved to play them because he loved them) with my dad was common. I grew up fine and well rounded. I knew my parents loved me.

I feel like there’s a problem now, where parents feel like their entire lives have to revolve around their kids. We have to listen to kid music and watch kid shows and do all these activities with them. It’s raising narcassistic adults. “Back in my day”, kids rotated around their parents, not visa versa.

So I’m on your husbands side, providing he is loving and not abusive. Your 10 year old learning to do things she doesn’t necessarily love (like watch Star Wars) in order to bond with her dad isn’t a bad thing. I know there are articles on it, if you’d like me to find some.

/r/relationships Thread