Okay, real talk.

We laugh when we feel superior to the target (or surprised, or when tension is released. There are many reasons why we laugh)

We laugh when we feel superior towards someone we consider as "inferior" to us. This is the basis or "targeted" jokes. This is basically because, American people (and some other countries too) are very insecure. They need to put down someone in order to laugh and feel better about themselves. This is in ALL comedy writing books and that's where I learned about it.

Why do you think these media giants bring up another show about rednecks, fat people and retards EVERY DAY? it's either someone jumping down a 5 story building and yelling "Jackass!!" or some fat kid eating spaghetti with butter and ice cream.

You watch these shows, and laugh at them, and feel superior to a fat girl/fool/ugly person getting in embarrassing situations. Who is watching them if not skinny, healthy, successful, normal people? This is the FORMULA of American Television. Get some loser on tv and make people feel better about themselves.

Nobody at TLC or MTV believes this is healthy. If their emails or private conversations were leaked, it would be in the line of "hahah look at that fat bitch, she thinks we are getting her on tv because she is beautiful, hahahah we should just gas fat people, they don't deserve to live, haha but we make money!!"

Stop watching "stupid ridiculing shows" and giving them ratings; and normalisation of the fat/stupid/redneck/trashy/kardashian people WILL STOP. You vote with your remotes.

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