My boyfriend [29M] broke up with me [25F] of a year on Sunday. Just looking for advice because I feel old.

Don't mean to snoop, but -

I'm in the same field (by sheer coincidence) and if I match somewhere and have to move, it's going to be very hard for me to date anyone also. I'm almost 30 (and I've come to terms with that), and I've met some fantastic people in the last four years of my life - even after uprooting to a different city to start grad school. What I mean by all of that is:

It might seem like it sucks right now, but you can't beat yourself or think you've done yourself a disservice by engaging in a relationship that you thought had a real chance. You're going to learn from it and take what you've got into the next one and it's going to be even better, and you're going to be a better person for it.


Good luck with the match, and stay warm.

/r/relationships Thread