My daughter was diagnosed with cancer on Monday. This was my boss's reaction. I love this guy.

That's fucking awesome. There need to be more bosses like this. Cancer is fucking terrible, but my mother survived breast cancer so I have high hopes for your daughter to beat the shit out of it. I don't often share what I feel to be inane personal stories, mostly because they are depressing as shit, but I have a positive one to share this time so here goes.

My brother a few years back was having a really stressful time at work. His company was on life support and many things were in doubt, lots of layoffs and all that. Everyone is overworked and the higher ups keep upping the work load. He never really liked his boss, who happened to be of German decent, he likened him to a Nazi (in retrospect he would never like to admit he said this outloud). One day his boss gives him another assignment in addition to the 4-5 he was already doing and my brother just cant handle any more. He has a heart attack. Hospital bills, being out of the office only stress him more. He rushes back to work, against the advice of his doctor, and just prays to all that is holy he keeps his job. The first day back hes called to the bosses office. Oh shit, he thought, I'm about to get shitcanned. Turns out his boss asks him a bunch of non-work related questions. Doesn't say much else, just listens to the answers. At the end of the conversation he says that it was a very good, very informative talk. Then he says my brother is going on an indefinite sabbatical. My brother doesn't know what this means at first, fearing the worst he asks how long he'll be out and if he can take some of his accrued vacation. The boss stops him there and says he will not be allowed to use his paid vacation but will be compensated while on sabbatical. Turns out the guy worked the system to give my brother a full month of paid vacation to recover, and he made sure my bro took it all (if you hadn't guessed he's a bit of a worry wort and workaholic).

TL;DR: you cant always judge a book by its cover or some other applicable moral, people can surprise you with kindness.

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