My Ex GF (26F) and I (24M) became close friends after a year of NC. Why is she telling me unnecessary lies? & Should I call her out?

Thanks for your reply!

I get that. But lying to avoid feeling "weird" does not make it okay & is not how people should treat friends. Friendships are still a type of relationship, and I don't appreciate being made a fool of.

I've accepted she is dating him & lying to me about it and coming up with fake story after story not only makes me seem stupid but is insulting. If she didn't want to get mixed up with having to tell me things, she shouldn't have messaged me hours and hours everyday and hung out so often. Or am I wrong in all this?

If I tell her how I found out she'll be like wtf --- I am aware I come off as clingy and dependent, but this does not ever come out. It's just this lying by omission and made up stories that she's concocted has me flashing back to the end of our relationship, I thought as friends there would be no reason for this. And I guess it opens old wounds. How can I let her know how I feel without explicitly stating it?

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