My Friends and Family Shame me for Having no Romantic Interest

Some people are natural loners and/asexual and it sounds like you might be. You sound just like me. My mom got pregnant with my brother when I was 5 and I was absolutely disgusted with the whole process of pregnancy. The morning sickness especially. I knew I would never have kids. I heard the same shit all through my teen years. How id change. I’d want a family someday. How I’d love my future kids. But I’m 32f now and nope. I don’t think babies are cute. I’m repulsed by them. All they do is scream, puke and shit. No thanks. I know I do not have the capacity to take care of kids and I’ve known that since I was very little. I have zero attraction to real people. (The only guy I like and would pursue is fictional) aside from that I’m absolutely disgusted by relationships, sex and dating. I don’t like hearing about other peoples affairs either. If one of my few friends tried talking to me about this stuff I’d very bluntly say “why are you telling me this?” Everyone has learned to not discuss this stuff with me. Like you have no real desire to even talk to people or make friends half the time. I love my cats very much and I understand them more than I do other humans. Full disclosure: I’m autistic and introverted so I don’t really “get” people and have trouble relating to others. And i am 100% unapologetic about how I am. I just mostly want to be left alone with my cats and my video games. People have treated me like I’m some sort of alien or I need pity my whole life. And im always quick to tell them. There is no need to pity me. Im happy. Im not happy when people want me to be social. Everyone is different and people need to get that through their heads. Some people are just wired differently. As long as you aren’t hurting yourself or anyone else then your fine.

/r/TrueOffMyChest Thread