This is my gf's first shooter on PC, and she is ranked higher than me.

If you're moving at the default speed, good luck hitting anything more than 10 feet away.

With most guns in CSGO, you're only accurate when you're standing still. Crouching is more accurate but it's wrong to say guns aren't accurate if you're not crouching. They're not accurate when you're moving. The game keeps track of your movement speed and when that speed isn't 0 your accuracy suffers harshly. That is intended, it encourages a more tactical approach by strongly discouraging run and gun play. You don't need to crouch, you just need to be not moving.

The shitty mechanics get turned into a 'learning curve' and getting good is playing around the games clunkiness, as opposed to literally any other shooter where it is about being good.

The mechanics aren't shitty because you don't like them or, frankly, aren't good at them. CSGO is a game with a high skill ceiling. It's not a game you're going to just jump into, you need to be willing to invest time into practising it. Learning spray patterns, economy, proper positioning, aim training, map knowledge and callouts, movement, etc.

If you're moving at the default speed, good luck hitting anything more than 10 feet away.

That fact that you're moving at all is the evidence here. You just aren't approaching the game the way it is intended to be approached. That's fine, nobody plays CS for the first time and gets it right. Just saying that you not understanding the very basics doesn't make it a bad game.

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