My girlfriend [19F] deleted a pic off instagram with me [21M]. Wtf???

Let me say that she's really clingy, texts me 24/7, which I don't mind. A bit insecure too. She comes from money but I will call her out whenever she is acting selfish or like a brat. She's my first GF so I am trying to do things right but have definitely given her too much attention at times but we are slowly becoming more independent without each other. We basically hangout everyday too.

I was jealous early on in the relationship and this brushed off badly on me making me look soft, but I've really tried to not care about what she does. Her social media bugs me to death though. I called her out on her taking selfies with her boobs out once & she took all of her selfies down and says she doesn't need those on there. But then she'll change her instagram profile pic every other day to something along the lines of us, her in a bikini/sports bra, or something else.

She loves me to death, she always talks about the future and how amazing I am, and she'd never do anything to hurt me cause she loves me so much. She would never break up with me, I would be the one to have to break up with her.

But I always get this gut feeling something isn't right. I don't know if it's me being insecure but she seems like she's just seeking attention. Deleting the most recent pic of us on instagram that was really cute, I just don't know how she's going to excuse her way out of this one. She had posted at least 10 pics after that picture too so it's not like it was really recent.

Is it time to say bye bye? I try trusting her fully but I can't, she's given me reasons to not in the past and I can't move past that even though she has changed and nothing bad has happened since.

/r/relationships Thread