My girlfriend of 6 months dumps me because of religion

This has happened to me in a similar situation. I was with this girl and we connected so well, I've never felt this way about anymore before. It was special, I felt so loved by her as I did back. She told me she didn't want to lose me when she went back to college and that faith wouldn't matter. Word for word she said she wanted a boyfriend and that we'd be fine. We stayed in touch;talked almost every day. Almost a month later I decided to travel out of state to see her. I got there and I spent the night, just us together and it was one of the best date nights I've ever had. The next day I went to church with her and after she called the whole thing off. She said she couldn't be with someone who didn't share the same faith.. I was born and raised Catholic and still went to church sometimes with family. Inside I'm not sure what I am, agnostic? I'm more spiritually religious than anything. My ex is a born again Christian. I can't remember the name of the group those Christians are called but they believe Jesus guides them every step of the way in their life. I understand the part where you should have similar beliefs but the part where you lie to someone for months is just wrong. I'm so sorry that this happened to you my friend. I guess you can think you dodged a bullet or that it wasn't meant to be but this is different. It's a problem that us humans haven't solved since we can remember. Religious tolerance will probably never happen and that religion will divide people. My advice for you is to know that you're perfect the way you are and don't change for her. Kind of ironic how religion is a thing for freedom, loving oneself and others, and your relationship with God while they trap and divide themselves amongst other people. For anyone else reading this. It was from my experience and opinion on what happened. I don't mean to say religion is a bad thing nor will it always divide people because religion can bring great things to yourself and others.

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