My girlfriend is moving in with a guy who has been trying to sleep with her.

So here is the situation This my girlfriend is from out of state and in business school. I am in a professional school as well.

This guy is in her program and has been actively trying to date her since they have known each other. It has been 7 months of him pursuing her pretty constantly despite the fact that i have been dating her for the last 3 months. She does not have a ton of friends so I don't really mind that she has a friend who is interested in her in that way as she needs the social support.

He is a rich kid an has an apartment his dad bought for him in the city which he is moving from for 6 months then moving back. She said she is planning on moving in while he is gone and living with him when he moves back.

This seems really odd because this guy is someone who she told me is constantly trying to date her and constantly trying to hangout alone with her. This guy is not a bad dude, but i think hes in love with my girlfriend.

This alarms me for several reasons. 1 should my girlfriend ever move in with a guy who has attempted to sleep with her? 2 If this guy is offering her a crazy deal, is it immoral for her to take him up on her offer?

She texted me about it and I really did not know where to start.

Whats your advice reddit

/r/AskReddit Thread