My husband (22M) says his lack of any affection for me (21F) is due to an “unclean” home.

Honestly if you are a homemaker as your full time job and you dont work then I dont see how you can’t maintain it, unless you are actually doing nothing. I understand you get depressed and maybe thats him being tired of dealing with it and it being an excuse for why you did nothing and the house wasn’t clean. I work full time and the bulk of chores are on me because he pays the bills. Sometimes dishes pile up a bit for me… but I work full time. If my full time job was to be a homemaker then I dont see why you dont have time to do that. He may grow resentful and lose love for you if you are not maintaining your side of the deal. As a young adult you should take responsibility for your mental health and seek help if you are not able to function.

/r/relationship_advice Thread