My husband's behavior is concerning me (and getting old)

I'm really sorry that you're going through this. My husband had a moment like this before we had any baby on the way. He basically binge drank, stopped answering my calls, and I was left at home for hours at night wondering where he was and nursing a bottle of wine to keep from falling apart. When he came home, he was so drunk I could not even believe that he would have driven like that. The next morning, when he woke up, I tried talking to him about how much pain the night before had caused. He said some smart-mouthed things, and I gave him the biggest, most painful slap I can conjure. He cried after. I'm not proud that it resorted to that, but he apologized profusely and has never done anything close to that again. Not suggesting you slap him necessarily, but he probably needs a metaphorical slap. I told him if he ever did anything like that again, I would leave him in a heartbeat. I meant every word. I couldn't even imagine going through that now while I am pregnant. My long-winded point being, unhappiness is normal. Making mistakes is normal. Not owning up to your mistakes or correcting them is a giant red flag. What if you went into labor right at this moment because of stress? If he's not there for you now, you need to consider how much he's going to be there for you and your children later. Best of luck dear <3

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