My life is so empty, I just want somebody to love me. (19 f)

I'm not here to tell you things get better or anything like that, just kind of to relate. I'm 23 at the moment, but I remember being 19 and I remember it being hell. Not even just 19. But probably from ages 16-22 were the worst years of my entire life.

My biggest fear and the only thing that constantly kept me down was loneliness. I started working right before I turned 18, at a department store down the road. I didn't have a place of my own, but my mom was really stern and made me take care of myself still. If money was tight in that situation, I can't imagine how tough things are for you.

Even if I had people around me, I always felt alone. It got to the point where I gave up on companionship and just kind of slept. When I say I gave up and slept, I mean whatever time I wasn't at work I was in bed. And even though I didn't care for companionship like I did before, I always wished there was someone to take me away from all of my shitty feelings.

I had days where I swore it was my last. I seriously tried to once. I forget all of the events up to the point where I woke up, had to pee, and then had 4 nurses around me shaming me. Such messed up shit, they didn't really care. That didn't really help much, I kept spiraling down.

A year or so after that is kind of a blur. I worked a bunch of different jobs and went to school. Days were repetitive.

After 5 years of literal hell I finally met someone who brought me out of all of it. I wasn't in bed as much, and when I was I spent that time talking to them. We'd been through similar things and would help build each other up. Let me tell you how glad I am that I didn't die that day, or else I wouldn't be living with them right now. Trust me, I still have my bad days, but it doesn't compare.

I think a lot of the problem when people offer advice-- especially if they've been through it-- is that they've lost sight of how overwhelming it can be. I always remember the way that I felt in order to cherish every bit of growth in my life. It wasn't an overnight change, but 7 years later I'm 2,000 miles away from home with the very person who saved me from myself. I hope to god that things turn around for you, too.

And F anyone who thinks they have a right to judge you for the way that you feel. You can PM me any time you need someone to talk to, throwaway or not.

/r/depression Thread