My long limerence story

Wow thanks for posting. This resonates with me a lot. Your descriptions are spot on. I am so tired of my obsession with my LO who is my ex from 12 years ago. I even saved his name as Satan on my phone. (Then had to delete his number as I text him one drunk night about 4 years ago being horrible and blaming him for pressuring me to have an abortion all those years ago.)

For me it's when I'm struggling emotionally or ovulating. I haven't seen him for years and years but i'm having a rough time (miscarriage) just now so I have been fantasising about him and I requested him as a friend on Facebook. He rejected my request and blocked me from adding him again!! I was mortified. I don't mind now. It's for the best. I also have a SO and if I met up with LO I think I'd struggle to stay faithful. That sounds awful but I'm being honest. I dream about him often. I long for his smell. He smelt amazing. I wish I could touch his skin and listen to his deep voice saying my name and have him smile at me and joke around like he used to. He has such nice arms and legs and well everything about him is just insanely poisonously attractive to me. Honey to a bee.

But it's all a fantasy. I don't know him anymore. He does not think of me ever other than me being a somewhat unhinged married pathetic ex who text him some drunk nonsense one night and who for some reason added him on Facebook recently. I'm sure he saw it and was like who? Omg not her. So embarrassing that I did that to myself. It was desperation. I was desperate for him.

I have an poor relationship with my father and he was emotionally abusive/neglectful. I think this limerence thing in my case is somehow related to that.

I'm wondering when I will get over this. Its been years of suffering!

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