My mom circa 1990

Beat with me: people who use reddit are generally in the 15 to 30 age bracket. These young fellas weren't born out of eggs, they have parents, whose age bracket now is something about 40 to 60 years old.

To post on this subreddit the picture has to be at least 25 yo. So a user here can easily find old cool-looking pictures of their parents where they were 15, 20 or 25 years old.. in which they honestly looked the best because it's easier looking good when you are young (fresh, happy, carefree, fit, not tired down by stress and kids etc). Most reddit users don't have moms and dads in their 90s now, so their old parents photos' have young pretty people on them.

Thing is, when someone post a picture here that's conpletely fits this sub, but features a young good looking woman wearing anything but a burka or a military uniform, suddenly all every gross comment in the thread is about fucking her and suddenly the user is a disgusting person for "pimping their mom for karma" when all they wanted to do was show a old cool pic of them. So there's that.

/r/OldSchoolCool Thread Parent Link -