My mom looked at Overwatch too! Pt. 1 [Final]

Or you could just live in Northern California. I make $120K in addition to bonuses, and I can't afford a house no matter how much I save (obvious hyperbole, I could just go completely frugal for like 7 years and then take out a giant loan) unless I'm willing to settle to pay like $800K for a total piece of shit. So I'm stuck in my apartment, where I'm "lucky" to have a 1BR for $2K/month. If you're not fortunate enough to have a decent salary, it becomes increasingly difficult to live on your own and save money here, a lot of people who "only" make $50K-$70K/year end up just staying at their parents if they can because it's better than being poor.

My seem like a pointless rant, but I just think it's ignorant to look down on someone for living with their parents without any context of their situation. It's something that's easy to do when you're younger...but as you get older, you'll realize you wished you had saved more money living with your parents. This is also likely the case in New York, LA, and San Diego -- with the cost of living in the latter two currently on the rise, whereas NY is comparable to SF.

/r/Overwatch Thread Parent