My mother [51F] thinks she's failed as a parent when I [23M] or my siblings [22M, 20F] don't follow her advice. She's a sweetheart but cries when we remind her we're all already adults.

Move out and help them financially by giving them some allowance?

My parents brought us overseas, we all grew up as highly praised scholars and citizens. Our mother is very sweet and sacrificial to everyone who knows her except the ones she abused behind closed doors. She also does the thing where she resorts to tears when she doesn't get what she wants, cries victim, tries to control every detail of our lives, gets passive aggressive, and constantly demands praise. There are two versions of Narcissists, and she's the Vulnerable type, where the insecurity is on full display.

I'm not saying your mother is a Narcissist. But she will not change. And you continuing to allow it will feed it. It won't help her in the long run. Also, not everyone from our family-oriented culture is like that. People say they are, but it's simply not true. There are some toxic habits, to be sure, but just because they're common doesn't mean they're not unhealthy.

You can't force her to go to therapy, and if you did, it wouldn't work anyway if she's determined not to change anything about herself. The best you can do is set an example of the kind of life you envision for yourself and your family. That means standing by your boundaries, becoming independent, and not babying her when she becomes unreasonable. Good luck.

/r/relationships Thread