CMV: Neo-Nazis are inherently evil

Hitler and the original Nazis were arguably trying to reform European culture to revive its pre-christian dynamism. They were European freedom fighters in the same way ethnic based militants are today. Now, the Holocaust was very unfortunate but only really started in earnest when it was clear that the Nazis were losing the war. They wanted to at least cleanse Europe of Jewish influence even if they lost the war. In their minds Nazis were doing the right thing. The Nazi problem with jews basically stemmed from a lack of assimilation and the promotion of anti-nationalist cosmopolitan ideas such as Marxism. That there was an element of truth in Nazi ideology is evidenced by the Jewish over representation in Communism or among traitors to the Soviet Union. Traditionally the Czars were highly antisemetic, perhaps due to their Orthodox Christianity, and American Jews early on largely saw the USSR as a good thing. In the line of the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Communists got a lot of credit among Jews early on for destroying the rule of the Czars. Later when these people were dissillusioned with soviet communism they turned to Neoconservatism. It is a documented fact that many leading figures in the Neocon movement were / are Jewish and that many of them were comunists or trotskyites in their youth.

So in conclusion the world is more complicated by than it first appears. The Nazis thought they were right and if they had won we likely would too. Now we have endless wars in the middle east and a crappy media and arts sector dominated by the likes of Wolf Blitzer and Harvey Weinstein. Europeans feel ashamed of their roll in the world and are willing to leek their culture be subsumed by other cultures under the rubric of diversity.

/r/changemyview Thread