My Mum kicked me (F19) out on her birthday. I’m pretty much homeless. Any advice to rekindle my relationship with my mum.

A very one sided story. There’s three sides, yours, your mothers and the truth. You’re 19 years old and that makes you an adult and able to work, you need to get a job ASAP. If you’ve been struggling with mental illness you also need therapy.

There’s never a reason to lay your hands on another person, ever. As soon as she touched you , you needed to remove yourself from that situation but instead you retaliated which makes you no better.

Stay with a friend or a family member for a few days to let everything blow over. Apologise to your mother if you want to go back home to live. It’s her house, not yours. If not, seek other accomodation and work.

/r/relationship_advice Thread