My roommates want to split all chores equally, but I have very severe anxiety. What to do?

Oh I'm already in treatment! Unfortunately, the MH services in the UK are not great so if I'm going to change things, I would have to do it without support. I'm definitely prepared to start tackling the phobias and the psychosis but I will need more support to do that and I am not comfortable bringing my housemates into my care plan.

If they didn’t see your prior suggestion as valid (since there aren’t enough chores to go around), have you came up with and proposed another solution?

Yes, I suggested that we could each pick 2 chores, making sure that there's some negotiation so each chore has a couple of people on it, and then switch weekly between those two people. Or anything similar, if other people had ideas on how it could be better. The others in the house don't want to be cycling all of the chores either, it's just one person who wants this model. She says it's "just her opinion" but then refuses to entertain anything else

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