My son (3) is freaking out at night and I need some parenting advice

Sufferer of night terrors here. Please realise that for your child - this is real. This is hyper-real. What he is going through in the nighttime is more valid in his brain than eating a bowl of cereal. The very organ responsible for invalidating false claims and helping us to determine reality is working against your son, rather than for him. His brain is making 100 million calculations, and processing untold amounts of visual and auditory observations that are confirming his fears because of the state that he is in.

My best advice is to try to get him to speak through what he is experiencing... At all times. Both while he is afraid, and while he is awake. From my experience, at least, the night terror brain is incessantly cyclical, and there will be some seed of something from the real world that is at the root.

Something is wrong in his real world that is manifesting itself in this dream and terror world.

By speaking through with him in detail, you will both allow him to vent, but will hopefully start to see patterns and make associations with the sources from the real world. Could be illness or an infection? It could be stress from friends or bullies. It could be a show or movie that he has seen or is watching that he is carrying over. Could be anything - but get him to speak through as much as possible so that you can understand. Treat the source or seed from the real world, and seriously limit any screen time he may be having. He needs to be less stimulated while these terrors are happening.

Finally, when they are taking place, help him find a way to break the cycles in what is happening. Find ways he is comfortable taking actions that will block and prevent the manifestations. Get him to involved in real world solutions to what seem to be imaginary issues. These are real to him, and by taking real actions, he is sending a message to his sub-conscience that this is being dealt with.

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