[Rant] My life is just a sequence of abuses, anxiety and panic attacks, and no joy, fun or peace.

I was there. I was in a pretty bad situation for about 15 years and it really warped my mind. It caused me to have ptsd and I have panic attacks sometimes from the strangest things. Like, out of nowhere.

What helped me was realizing that despite whatever was happening, I was in control of my own mindset. I could focus on what people were doing to me or I could focus on being happy no matter what. I had to because I was having a complete suicidal breakdown. I was the only person who could care enough about me to make myself feel better.

Find one thing that makes you smile. Fully and uncontrollably. Use that as a positive thought to branch into other positive thoughts. Calm thoughts.

/r/LifeAfterNarcissism Thread