Nathan & Jenelle's custody agreement

I'll probably delete this comment in a few hours because it's not something I love to put out there, but I was in active addiction when I found out I was pregnant. Doctors recommend not to quit opiates while pregnant, so I immediately got on methadone even before I knew if I would keep the baby or not (my husband/baby daddy quit cold turkey). Anyways, I was on methadone throughout my pregnancy, cleaned up my life completely, had the baby, and just wanted to get off of it and be done with the whole thing after she was born. I started tapering about a month after her birth, and I was off it before her first birthday. I cut off all associations with most people using as soon as I got pregnant and I felt that by going to the methadone clinic I was still seeing those people and still a part of that life and it just isn't a life I want to be a part of now that I have a child in the picture. Not to mention that I wanted to have another child, but I was definitely NOT having another child on methadone. Now I'm like a completely normal person, stay at home parent, college student, and I can't imagine going back at all to that lifestyle. Gotta stay vigilant though, you never know what will happen. My best friend gets it, she wants to quit, she has a child too and she has changed her life completely just like me. It's just hard to convince her to make the plunge, because I think she is afraid of that change. She doesn't want to go back to using pills or dope again, but when she is on subs she knows she physically can't do it, so I think that quitting scares her because she won't have the physical barrier. Sorry for the long ass comment lol.

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