[NAW] As a black girl who dates/fucks white guys, I get really fed up with some of the things I hear from them.

I am in an interracial relationship right now as a white guy with an asian girl, and I have dated women of all races.

While some of those questions seem rude/racist/annoying... and as ignorant as it seems thats just it. A lot of guys are ignorant. They are ignorant about dating women of their own race much less others. There are going to be awkward comments, jokes, and misunderstandings from time to time. They might have grown up in backwoods neighborhood like I did and honestly just don't know any better. If you want someone to understand you being black, then in most cases you will have to just date a black guy. You can't just expect people not to be curious or know every little thing about you. They probably don't know what you consider racist, and they probably don't know what limits they have around you. If they have been intimate with you then that might blue the lines even more with where your lines are.

To give you an example "You are so pretty for a black girl". The way its worded, sure, you can take that the wrong way but I'm sure he didn't mean it as an attack. While I have dated and found some black women very attractive, there is a lot that I am just not attracted to at all. There are traits that I find extremely unattractive that more often than not black girls posses. And being/acting ghetto is one of them. Thats not being racist, thats expressing a preference. If you are dating or talking to a guy that says comments like "you must love doggy, you must fuck better, I'm black from the waste down" then you can probably expect more stupid shit to come out of their mouths, because it doesn't sound like you selected the most intelligent guy of the bunch.

TLDR people are people and they are going to be curious and have questions. Especially if they haven't ever dated a black woman before. There are huge differences in culture, family, how you were raised. You can't blame them for having questions and they aren't always being racist trying to learn more about you. They have to learn from someone at some point.

/r/offmychest Thread