I need to make a change and need some help to get started.

I weighed about 160lbs at the end of 2013 at 6'1. I'm a fairly lean 185 now. There's hope for you!

I recommend you head over to r/bodyweightfitness and check out their Recommended Routine. There's a mobile app (Bodyweight Fitness) that explains the routine too. Spend the money you have for dumbbells on a pull up bar (the over-the-door-frame or in-the-door-frame kind - they're cheap on Amazon) and do that routine whilst you're at home.

Do all parts of the routine - the lifting as well as the mobility and the stretching. Once you go to uni, use the gym there and if they have the equipment start a beginner lifting programme (e.g. 5x5 or PPL - read the Wiki here.

My tip are:

  • Eat a lot. More than you think you need to. Plenty of fruit and vegetables, a decent amount of protein, and lots of calories. Protein powders, nuts and nut butters are your friends. As a skinny guy you will probably find it challenging to get enough calories but don't resort to junk food.
  • Don't become obsessed with your weight. I've been as high as 195lbs but I didn't look better - my arms were slightly bigger but I had somI weighed about 160lbs at the end of 2013 at 6'1. I'm a fairly lean 185 now. There's hope for you!

I recommend you head over to r/bodyweightfitness and check out their Recommended Routine. There's a mobile app (Bodyweight Fitness) that explains the routine too. Spend the money you have for dumbbells on a pull up bar (the over-the-door-frame or in-the-door-frame kind - they're cheap on Amazon) and do that routine whilst you're at home.

Do all parts of the routine - the lifting as well as the mobility and the stretching. Once you go to uni, use the gym there and if they have the equipment start a beginner lifting programme (e.g. 5x5 or PPL - read the Wiki here.

My tip are:

  • Eat a lot. More than you think you need to. Plenty of fruit and vegetables, a decent amount of protein, and lots of calories. Protein powders, nuts and nut butters are your friends. As a skinny guy you will probably find it challenging to get enough calories but don't resort to junk food.
  • Don't become obsessed with your weight. Look for results in the mirror. I've been up to 195lbs but I didn't look better. I just had some extra fat on my stomach and slightly bigger shoulders.
  • If you are inflexible like me, never skimp on your mobility work (this is why I recommend following all parts of of the Bodyweight Fitness app). You don't want to become a tall, stiff tree.
  • Trust in your programme and stick to it. Don't be discouraged if you don't see instant progress. If your programme is tried and tested, it will work. Give it time (and remember my first tip about eating lots).
/r/Fitness Thread