I need Feminism because I want to make false rape accusations

I don't usually comment here, but this just needs to be said.

The flyer is asinine and nothing good will come from this project.

Unreported sexual assaults on college campuses are already at ridiculously high levels, and some studies seem to indicate that women who attend college are actually more likely to be raped than women who do not. This quote from an NPR article helps to illustrate exactly how endemic this problem remains in modern-day university culture:

"Reporters at the Center for Public Integrity obtained a database of about 130 colleges and universities that got federal grants because they wanted to do a better job dealing with sexual assault. Even when men at those schools were found responsible for sexual assault, only 10 to 25 percent were expelled."

According to the above statistics, only a minority of men ruled responsible for rape even end up getting expelled from university which means that they are free to remain in contact with their victims and seek out new victims to prey upon. Since the university arbitration system doesn't really involve police in these matters, it's also possible that perpetrators won't end up with a criminal record as a result of their offenses. Under these conditions, I'm not sure why it would seem logical to release a flyer utilizing a melodramatic black and white image coupled with condescending language (i.e. "don't be that girl" and "no one else is responsible for your decisions") as a means of discouraging false rape accusations." I can't speculate about the motives of false rape accusers, but I'd assume that a simple flyer probably won't be enough to convince them not to pursue their plans. However, this flier could easily be more than enough to convince frightened rape victims that other people really won't believe them (wonder where they got that idea?) and that remaining silent is best. Even though I doubt that it was intended to be menacing or threatening, it's easy to misinterpret and looks pretty scary without context. It isn't a whole lot better with context because it is (at its core) an incredibly dishonest and misleading obfuscation of legitimate issues.

/r/TumblrInAction Thread Link - honeedsfeminism.tumblr.com