I need help staying/getting sober

What helps me stay sober is first getting rid of the weed (or gift it to someone) because it being there will forever be a temptation. Get a day counter app on your phone. Definitely stop drinking, even if it's just one bottle because alcohol is a depressant and it's amplified for people with mood disorders. Make it a mission to just get through one day sober. Just one day, that's not so bad right? Surely you can do one day. When you wake up the next day sober, you'll be pleased with yourself because you'll have a sense of control over urges. Then do it again, until you relapse. Relapsing is natural, don't beat yourself up about it, turn it into a game, try to see if you can do 3 days or a week. Then after you've done that, aim for a month. I'm personally coming from a 1 month 17 day streak of no smoking or vaping. I haven't been a month sober since I was a kid and am shocked i got that far. On my next break, I will aim for 2 months.

Remember, the agitation

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