I like myself when I'm drunk but know that relying on alcohol is a bad idea.

No worries! I am definitely in the camp that believes that it is possible to be Bipolar II and have a healthy, responsible relationship with drugs. I should have clarified in my post but I really do have a relatively responsible relationship with alcohol right now.

It is something that I have been working hard on for the past year and have been more than able to maintain months long bouts of sobriety. Compared to where I was at even a year ago the difference is stunning.

Although I generally intend to be sober for the time being, I personally believe that simply avoiding alcohol is just a roundabout way of delaying the next time I get drunk. For me, I see absolute abstinence from alcohol as a measure to provide some temporary stability - enough to become a healthier person but puts me in this battle of wills that I consider pointless.

I think I can have a healthy relationship with alcohol and practicing being sober is part of how I can achieve it.

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