they need to do something about these smurfs... I'm just trying to vibe with my wife who is on a switch and these are what we are going against

Man, I'm sorry, but people talk about how sweaty this game is, but it's a competitive FPS. It's MADE to be sweaty af. Smurfs are gonna smurf. At a certain point YOU need to change how YOU let the game affect YOU. There is no "I'm just trying to relax with my wife" mode. Play It Takes Two. Apex is a sweat filled, fast paced, high effort FPS. How is Respawn supposed to do absolutely anything about this?

If you're just trying to relax and vibe with your wife then relax and vibe with your wife. You got killed? So what. What was Apex supposed to do? Drop you in with other people just trying to hang out lmfao? You went into pubs and wanted to play the way you wanted, other people got in and wanted to play the way they wanted. Should they offer a fucking survey before each match? "What are your intentions going into this match?" Oh, I'm just going into it trying to kill people and win. Like every other person except that one guy who thought he was taking his wife on a walk in KC.

And honestly, for all you know, this guy is having to start an account over from scratch because he moved platforms and there is no cross progression.

Honestly, always bitching on this sub about "sweat". Wtf are you talking about? You want to be in with people NOT trying to kill you so hard? Maybe play a game where the ONLY METRIC for if you succeed or fail is if you've tried to kill people.

I'll take the down votes or whatever, you guys need to play Journey or something lol

/r/apexlegends Thread Link -