She needs you to be the leader

OP- This is a great example of the beta-husband or Mr. Nice Husband (although with no self-worth). That's exactly what I was taught to be. Better communication was always the answer. My SO is a stubborn, extroverted, alpha woman. When we got engaged I turned the Mr. Nice Husband on hard core. "Whatever you want." "What would make you happy?" "Let's talk about it." I was taught to share the leadership equally. She hated it and resented me for not leading. She resented me for throwing the stress of leading on her shoulders.

Then I discovered TRP. I found 100% of the things she nagged at me about in here. So I brought the Alpha back out of me and turned it up to max. "Here's what we're doing this weekend." "I'm going out. Don't know when I'll be home." "We're not going to talk about this forever; I'm just telling you XYZ..." "Tonight, I'm ravaging you." She loved it all. I see the difference in her every day. She's happier, works harder and shows me her appreciation. She keeps saying, "Whatever you're doing, keep doing it!" She's so clearly happy to be led by someone she respects.

We even talked about it. I shared that I was taught equality and, since she's so dominant, I thought she'd appreciate it. She decreed that she wanted and needed the opposite. She wanted to come home and be a "girl" and know that her man had everything handled, the big decisions made and was the leader of the family. I was blown away. She knows herself. She knows she wants to kick ass at work, then come home and bake pies, make dinner, fold laundry and cuddle. She wants to come home to a real RP man.

Girls want to follow a man that's a leader. It's true for the timid, introvert girls and the alpha girls (maybe more so). I am the Captain of my family. I am the only person responsible for my own happiness and for the safety of my family.

OP - This is a great example of what not to do. Your sister deserves a better husband. Thanks for sharing. Good luck to her.

/r/TheRedPill Thread