Never played league - help?

Please please if you're new, check out "tips for bronze" and "tips for gold" series on YouTube by a youtuber named arkadian I believe.

I think for someone just starting out you probably just wanna get a feel for the game, how the champions work, what they do etc. Nobody really expects much from you...and you should ignore low elo flamers because they are just as bad if not worse than you. (A new player).

For build paths (item builds, what to max, runes, masteries) use for the most optimal meta builds. Click the statistics tab and the champion. Probuilds is fine too. Please don't use mobafire or lolking.

For later: Once you feel like you grasped the basics of the game (like at a gold~ish level). The best educational streamers I'd recommend are valkrin and imLS. LS has more of an advanced approach at the game and has a lot of coaching sessions on youtube.

"Fun" but can be educational youtuber: I'm really liking phylol right now. His content is pretty educational/accurate. Which can't be said for a lot of entertainment based league youtubers. But his stuff is pretty beginner friendly too! Especially the videos about how to climb and improve. Those are great.

Good luck and welcome to league -^

/r/leagueoflegends Thread