New DeFranco Video: SJW Laci Green Goes After Small Youtuber Over Copyright! Want to pick on someone your own size?

"Lol. I can type up to 60 wpm on a keyboard..."

Yet you whined about how long it takes you type on your phone? Right... Of course you can, dear. And I'm sure you're also the strongest boy in your school and the richest and most handsome one too!

"...oh and if you had half a brain you would know that exponentially could be to the first which would be the same value, you fucking moron."

Wow. Your stupidity really is boundless. You weren't talking about math but simply claiming that writing on your phone takes a lot longer than writing on your desktop. Context is everything and you literally wrote "Typing on your phone takes exponentially longer than on a desktop..." I mean... it's like you're trying to make sure anyone who reads this knows exactly how stupid you are. "Fucking moron" is clearly you addressing yourself as I've said 0 unintelligent things and I can actually quote you saying several. A fucking moron you are indeed.

"BTW I am not even gonna waste my time reading your comment..."

Lmao, we both know you already did and simply have no counters so are, once again, retreating upon losing.

"...because it is obvious that you are fucking delusional..."

Uh huh. I point out facts and ask you to be logical, so that means I'm delusional, whereas you make false claims, which you fail to prove, based on the emotions Phil and Laci make you feel so that means you're not delusional and the one who's right? Ok then! I think delusional is making up false claims and believing things sans proof; both things you've done here. So it seems you're projecting your being delusional onto me. Unsurprising bitch move on your part.

"...and arguing with someone who is as stupid as you are is a waste of my time."

At this point you're just parroting what I say, except when I point out how stupid you are, it's based in truth, not just me trying to insult you because I have no rational counterpoints to make like you.

"Stay a stupid SJW and watch as your life is a miserable waste because everything is out to get you and against you."

I don't think everyone's out to get me or that I am an SJW in any sense. I simply don't tolerate stupid or irrational people being assholes no matter who they are, feminist, misogynist, atheist, Muslim - it doesn't matter. There you go projecting again; this time it's your miserable life onto me. You are a genuinely stupid person who lost this argument some time ago and haven't been able to back up your claims or provide examples for them from the start, but only just realized that it's time for you to retreat like the little bitch you are. Once again, white flag accepted, dumbass.

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