[NEW DM] I need help coming up with a BBEG

You think people remember Emperor Palpatine because they know why he built the Death Star twice? No, it's because he has a memorable personality.

You are just making assumptions. I think you might need to rewatch the whole movies story. Palpatine had really clear motivations and MO. But we digress from the topic. And you keep making a lot of assumptions about OP's, their playstyle, their party, their expectations while instead I'm here asking the OP how it is? Can you grasp the difference?

This is a first time DM.

And that's why we are here. That's why I spending my time helping him navigate the story they want to tell. OP wants to tell a story about a Necromancer rising an undead Tarrasque.

This questions are aiming to help OP to navigate the story they want to tell. Some of this questions may come in game, either by players or their characters. Some of those the OP might catch themselves pondering in between sessions or in the middle of a sessions if they didn't have it in mind. In this moments of doubt might ruin their confidence.

OP is a new DM and asked for help. I've been DMing for more than two decades trying to share this experice and help OP with the hardest thing about being first DM: Getting confidence.

This is not about being a game thrones, with many intricated npcs ploting against each other. But about to have a spine to the story where OP can root it and improvise and react to the players action.

You don't need to agree with me, but again, that's not about you. Its about OP's request for help.

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