New North Dakota governor expects controversial pipeline to be built

Wonder just how much of this they're going to have to shit on before we wake up? How far are they gonna have to push, how much environmental catastrophe is it gonna take to make you sons of bitches understand we're fucking with our drinking water? Life as we know it, across so many damn swathes of life that it's nauseating.

Just curious what the tipping point is. It'll probably be another four or five major spills, maybe half of Florida being eaten. Probably the remainder of our bluefin population going extinct, or a cold snap to kill a good quarter of Dallas, maybe. A tragedy felt amongst those who feel so distanced from the "conflict" of climate change that they balk at the statements of 97% of scientists and a basic understanding of science.

But we've got some proper commerce streamlined government, now, leavin' all that climate shit to the great God Almighty. Or was that great dollar mighty? I'm worried about the rights of my fellow Americans, but an equal part is terrified over the premise of Trump doing something like dissolving the EPA. If you arent, you haven't been paying attention.

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