New Pantheon is an example of stellar champion design. Reasonable difficulty so he isn't boring, but a high skillcap that isn't based on "dash like 10 times or all-in with the same combo every time."

So from what I just read your argument boils down to you not liking being in a poke-lane?

Old panth had so many weaknesses and so few good matchups that his playrate wasn't great, but in very niche circumstances he was hella useful.

New panth I predict seeing about as much play as TF once the new & shiny effect wear off (that is to say almost none) as he is essentially AD twisted fate - close to useless in all but the most dedicated players hands and even then there's multiple champs who do it better.

Seriously, think about it for just a second. What is new panth? Where does he shine?

Burst? not really

Tanky? one decent ability with a 24hr cooldown

CC? others do it better & safer

Sustained damage? nothing to write home about without some massive buffs

Ranged poke? a little, but nothing special to be honest

Strong all in? nope

Global ult? Yep, but without any form of CC on it and pitiful damage it's used purely for movement.

They've turned him into a champ without any real niche. A jack of all trades, master of none as it were.

His identity now is to throw Q's from distance like a caster, but he has to move in close to melee farm waves or use any of his other skills. His kit is set up to jump on someone, but he lacks any significant burst, and his spear means he has to stop autoing for a significant period of time to garner the full effect. The E is a wet noodle and is only meant to be used defensively due to the long cooldown so you can't all in with W until E is off cooldown which takes an eternity.

Completely ignoring the undertuned damage for a second, his kit literally doesn't gel. It makes no sense. He just feels like a weird melee Corki of some description.

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