New Resources for Anyone Looking to Help Those in an Unhealthy or Abusive Relationships

Writing on mobile so sorry for grammar So recently, me and my friends have been playing games after school such as Minecraft. Half the time, they blame me for losing whenever we lose even if there is multiple people attacking. If we are all on the same team and I try to attack another team, it’s my fault if they attack us while I’m gone. Also when we are versing each other in a 1v1v1, they seem to always kill me first even though I’m not even that good. Along with this when I make rules about what we should do in games, if they agree and say they understand, over half the time they forget the rule in like 20 min, or don’t even understand it even though they said they did. On top of all that, I can’t even defend myself because they talk over me, (I admit I have trouble with not talking over people) server mute me on discord, or just team up and kill me (I have heard them say they should give each other the stuff I had after they kill me). Finally, whenever we play a game that I’m good at, they always stop playing and play a different game after at the maximum of two games. Will provide more info in the future

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread