New study says SSRI antidepressants need to be added to list of drugs that induce withdrawal symptoms upon discontinuation. SSRI withdrawal symptoms include depression and anxiety which are being confused with relapse of original illnesses and causing people to stay on drugs longer than needed.

I can't say this would work for everybody, but whenever I get depressed I do a little introspection to find the thoughts that are plaguing me with worry, sadness, or despair. Then I find the underlying beliefs that brought me to have those thoughts. Then I evaluate the merit of the evidence that lead me to have those beliefs and usually I can find a way to change my beliefs and stop feeling depressed. It's what you believe, true or false, that causes you to have a feeling about something. As soon as you change your beliefs, your feelings change. This what a shrink can help you do for yourself as you talk to them about your problems, but not all of us can afford it. It's easy to just give up and declare that you cannot control your unwanted unpleasant feelings, but maybe you can. It's your choice of whether or not to try. Playing victim is satisfyingly easy, but it leads to buying drugs that will more likely make the problem worse.

Considering how corrupted our drug approval process has become, I wouldn't trust anything from the medical industry that hasn't been around for decades. There is too much monetary incentive to distort test results to gain approval to make profit and too little deterrent against this unscrupulous behavior. There is profit without penalty for this behavior. Pulling drugs off the market shows the inadequacy of our testing process.

Consider the side effects of the drugs. They can cause the same symptoms for which you are taking them to alleviate. They can cause dependence. They can numb your emotions, including joy. They also, most alarmingly, can permanently damage your sexual feelings and sensations. Sex is one of the greatest gifts we have, bringing people together for inexpensive, intense, invigorating, socially bonding ecstasy. Taking these drugs can cause it to be ruined for the rest of your life. Don't risk it.

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